The Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson
Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act of 2022
is a new law that expands VA health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits and other toxic substances. This law helps us provide generations of Veterans—and their survivors—
with the care and benefits they’ve earned and deserve.
The PACT Act :
- Expands and extends eligibility for VA health care for Veterans with toxic exposures
and Veterans of the Vietnam era, Gulf War era, and Post-9/11 era. - Expands eligibility for benefits for Veterans exposed to toxic substances.
Apply for VA Healthcare in 4 Easy Ways
1.Online: https://www.va.gov/health-care/apply/application/introduction.
- By calling the toll-free hotline: 877-222-8387.
- By mailing VA Form 10-10EZ to:
Health Eligibility Center
2957 Clairmont Rd., Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30329
- In person at the nearest VA medical center or clinic
Link to PACT Act (copy & paste to web browser)> https://www.va.gov/resources/the-pact-act-and-your-va-benefits/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_search&utm_campaign=ar_pact_fy23_veterans&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0NPzp4nZ_QIVi6XICh0oYw7sEAAYASAAEgIN0vD_BwE