The Third Quarter edition of the Bulldog Bulletin is hot off the presses and posted to the site. To view, go to
The proposed new detachment by-laws are now up on the website to be viewed. Please go to to look at them.
The Second Quarter 2021 Newsletter is fresh off the press and up on the site. Some highlights are two articles on the First Gulf War commemorating the 30th anniversary and […]
Our oldest detachment Marine Bernie Hoffman celebrated his 95th birthday on Saturday December 19th. Due to the pandemic it was a unique celebration as scores of cars rolled by in […]
Gary Woodside has been sworn in as new commandant during the January meeting 2023. His executive team consists of Chuck Burrow Sr. Vice, Joe Turba Jr. Vice and Michelle Prokopchak […]
The South Hills Detachment Birthday Ball was celebrated on November 7th. During this pandemic the detachment was one of the few that conducted an in person event. Capacity was limited […]